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How To Stay Organised If You Are A Procrastinator

So I am literally the biggest procrastinator ever, I leave everything till the last minute but weird enough, I would consider myself an organised person. Anyone else like this too? I am never late to hand anything in, I never really forget anything, I never lose anything and I am always on time with deadlines and I know some people struggle with these type of things so this post is going to be about how to stay organised even if you are a procrastinator.

I think the biggest tip I can offer is to check your stuff the night before. This means checking your planner to see if you have done all your homework for the next day and check your bag to see if you have everything you need (the right books and equipment etc). This way you have everything organised for the next day early so you won't be running around in the morning trying to find your maths book or end up forgetting your PE kit, making your mornings less stressful and it may even save you a few extra minutes in bed (I would do it just for that!) This always ensures you have everything you need so you are less likely to forget something too.

I would say that one reason I do stay so organised is because of all of the frees I have in college, now I know not everyone is in college and in high school you don't have free periods but you can still stay organised even without them. When I get set homework, I write it down in my college planner as well as the due date and I also set a reminder on my phone but not for when it is due, for when I need to do it. This way you won't forget about your homework as you have a constant reminder. You could even write what you have to do on a post it note and stick it in your room so you have a reminder. Then once I have done my homework, I tick it off in my planner and I say I have completed it in my reminders, which ensures I am never late to hand anything in or trying to give the teacher an excuse for why I don't have my homework.

So this last tip is to come to your lessons prepared, I know I sound like a teacher saying this but it really does help. I go to my lessons with a notepad, a pencil case, my planner, my folder with my work in etc. If you have all this you can take notes easier, you can arrange hand outs in your folder properly so that they don't get crumpled or lost along the way somewhere and then you don't have to ask the teacher or a class mate for a pen or piece of paper to write with, so it is just so much easier.

I feel like these 3 tips are really simple ways to become and feel more organised and they definitely work for me. I use these tips every single day and I really think they help me stay on top of things so I hope they help!

Thanks for reading.

Britney xo

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